Калиничева Евгения Федоровна ([email protected]) Председатель комитета коллегии судей. Председатель аттестационной комиссии. База данных судей.
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Селиванова Ирина Викторовна ([email protected]) Членство в МФТС. Кандидаты в члены МФТС (тренеры). Комитет по этике и конфликтам. Информационная связь с членами и тренерами МФТС. Переходы спортсменов из клуба в клуб.
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Член Президиума
Безобразов Сергей Владимирович ([email protected]) Секретарь президиума
Календарный план соревнований Брейкинг
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Член Президиума
Марова Ирина Николаевна ([email protected]) Председатель тренерского совета. Председатель образовательного комитета. Спортивная сборная команда города Москвы. Разряды и звания. Допуски к соревнованиям.
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Член Президиума
Стружанов Алексей Николаевич ([email protected]) Заместитель председателя спортивного комитета. Соревнования категории РС А, РС В. Рейтинги МФТС. Направление формейшн.
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Член Президиума
Сычева Галина Анатольевна ([email protected]) Председатель комитета массового спорта Соревнования категории РС С , МК Лицензирование залов
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Член Президиума
Чернов Олег Анатольевич ([email protected]) Аттестация организаторов соревнований (сертификация). Регистрационно-счетные комиссии (база данных). Присвоение классов мастерства.
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.
Член Президиума
Щеплецов Владимир Владимирович ([email protected]) Председатель комитета Ветеранов МФТС. Соревнования категории муниципальные. Секвей. American Smooth. Почетные члены МФТС.
More about countless and breathtaking Canadian Lakes
Most of the area is served by the Stanwood ZIP code 49346, although "Canadian Lakes, Michigan", is an acceptable name for mail delivery by the post office. Small portions of the area defined by the CDP are served by other postal delivery areas. A small portion in the southern area of the CDP along the Little Muskegon River is served by the Lakeview ZIP code, 48850. A small area in the eastern part of the CDP is served by the Mecosta ZIP code, 49332.